As you know (as everyone in the entire world surely knows) I
had a birthday last week. My birthday is
my favorite day. Whenever anyone asks which I prefer, Christmas or
Thanksgiving? My answer is, “My birthday.”
I like that the entire day is all mine, and everyone has to
pay attention to me, and do nice things for me, and give me presents, and
unlike Christmas (my least favorite holiday) all I have to do is graciously
accept the generous attentions. I kind of like a birthday week, several parties
and taken out to restaurants and presents that trickle in for days. But this
year, it was a birthday day, not week and it was a great one.
As with any significant holiday, my birthday has a few
traditions. I wake up, roll over and wonder if I have to get out of bed yet
(Nancy says YES! Kima says, Be quiet!) and I think Oh yeah, it’s my birthday! I’m
allowed to have anything I want for breakfast, whipped cream on my coffee,
chocolate before the dog walk, anything. I save all the birthday messages I get
all day and then play them again and again for the next few days. I save my presents
and open them all at once in a frenzy, like a shark with blood in the water.
And I bake myself a disappointing cake.
This unintended but very regular tradition begins weeks ahead
of the actual day. My birthday is coming!! Opportunity to bake. I read cook books;
I look on line at all my favorite blogs, at different web sites. I go thru all
the recipes I have clipped and saved all year. I make a decision, Prune Walnut
Cake with Chocolate Mousse icing. I live with that decision for a few days and
then change my mind. Carrot cake. There are a lot of carrot cakes. I read many
recipes for carrot cake. I buy 5 lbs of carrots. I change my mind again and
settle on a spice cake. Every year, I settle on a spice cake.
This year I settled on Martha Stewart’s sugar and spice cake
with mascarpone frosting. The recipe looked good. The reviews were all raves.
(I have since come to suspect that the reviewers on MS’s web site are shills.)
I don’t even want to go into it.
You make a spice cake in two 8” layers. You cut each layer
in half for a total of four layers. I got to use that nifty wire cake cutter
that we found together in one of those stores in Seattle. So there was that.
make a frosting of mascarpone mixed with very little sugar folded into a pile
of whipped cream. This is where the endeavor went south. I should have known.
The frosting tasted like extremely bland whipped cream. And as you know, I like
whipped cream, but this one needed more sugar and maybe some vanilla and forget
the Mascarpone. That stuff brings nothing to the table. Oh, and you spread jam
on each layer before the frosting goes on.
Well, it was bland and uninteresting and completely
dominated by that pallid, soggy whipped cream frosting. Ugh!
We ate it. But after the party, I left it with Chris, never
wanting to see it again.
Luckily there is also the birthday tradition of a second
cake. It is always Chocolate Dump Cake from the first California Heritage, with
white frosting, the kind made with butter, confectionary sugar and vanilla. And
it always satisfies. This year I colored the frosting pink for extra festiveness.
The final result of this year’s birthday cake debacle, is
that I am cured of my spice cake longings. I’ll make apple cakes and pumpkin
cakes, persimmon cakes and sweet potato cakes and maybe a carrot cake, there is
that 5 lb bag of carrots still in the fridge. But I am over the spice cake.
Love, Margaret