Monday, December 14, 2009

rugelach, always the ugly duckling

These are the two types of rugelach I make, ugly and must be kept for myself, and pretty enough to give as gifts.
I had decided that Rugelach will be the only cookie I make to give away this year and now I am worried that the difference between the ugly and the pretty is negligible and maybe I should reconsider. Maybe the pretty rugelach only look pretty when paired with their unsightly siblings, but on their own, or arrayed with someone else's almond sables, they are really pretty unsightly themselves. Maybe I should make oatmeal cookies.
Too late for the vet and the chiropractor though.

1 comment:

Stellasmydog said...

maybe you should just send them all to your sister who has very low rugelach attractiveness standards. but very high rugelach deliciousness standards, which yours totally meet