Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Still Yummy After All These Years

Hi Marg,


In need of comfort food for my jet lag and poor mangled Achilles I made Lone Star Chicken from The Supper Book by Marion Cunningham. I made it years ago and the note in the book says "made exactly as written - yum!".


This is relevant bc when you read the rice you immediately think of all the ways it could be improved. Saute the onions seems obvious, brown the chicken even more so. A little fresh thyme would fit nicely. But all those things take work and since I can only stand up for 5 minutes at a time browning and sautéing are kind of outside the realm of the possible. Even if I felt like it, which I didn't. So once again, I made it exactly as written, and once again, you guessed it, yummy.


Here's how it goes. Put a can of tomatoes and their juice i n a big ovenproof pot. Add a chopped up (un-sautéed) onion, garlic, bay leaves, cumin, a little vinegar, and some oregano. Cook for 30 minutes. Put in in-browned chicken parts even though you think there isn't enough liquid and bake, or is it braise? at 350 for 45 minutes or so. S and P to taste and serve over brown rice. The chicken is just as pale and anemic looking as you would expect, but tender and delicious. And easy. And comforting.




Then pretend that you are too crippled to do the dishes.


All my love, Elise


PS Despite the inordinate sums spent on camera equipment, photos are from IPad. Don't judge me, as my friend's tween says.


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