Saturday, February 9, 2013

Crow Hill

Dear Marg,

We had the most delightful surprise last week when a can of Crow Hill maple syrup arrived in the mail. Weezie had sent it to Seattle first so it took a round trip between there and Vermont before finding us here. A new batch of Grade A Dark Amber luxury merited waffles, and not just any waffles but Yeast Raised Waffles.

I use a recipe adapted from Marion Cunningham's Lost Recipes. I love this book. It's full of things like New England Boiled Dinner and Candied Carrots and Tomato Aspic and Rhubarb Betty.

The waffles are light and tender, but with a delicate outer layer that is just barely crispy. The flavor is mild and slightly doughy, but in a good, yeasty way. You have to start the waffles the night before so they rarely grace our breakfast table. But today!

It's a beauty day and now I'm going to work off the waffles with xc skiing under the Boulders. Hope you have a great day with the 3 hour bike ride on the trainer and the Paleo meals.

Love, Elise

Recipe (adapted from Lost Recipes)

1/2 c warm water
1 T yeast
2 cups warm milk
4T butter (1/2 stick) melted
1t salt
1t sugar
2 c flour (I use plain white for ultimate tenderness)
2 eggs
1/4 t baking soda

Mix the water and the yeast together in a big bowl and let it proof. And the milk, melted butter, salt and sugar and mix well. Really beat it until it's smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and leave it on the counter overnight.

The next morning, right before you are ready to eat, add the eggs and baking soda and mix again. Then make waffles in the regular way. Boy, oh boy!

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